Disputes for domain names .EU
Welcome to the platform for the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) for the .EU domain name disputes
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.eu Alternative Dispute Resolution of the Czech Arbitration Court
Since 2006 the Czech Arbitration Court (Arbitration Court attached to the Czech Chamber of Commerce and Agricultural Chamber of the Czech Republic) has been operating as the dispute resolution provider for .eu domain names.
To start an .eu ADR dispute please register via the above menu My disputes.
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Czech Arbitration Court
Payment by card enabled
28. 07. 2024
Payment by card enabled
In filings from July 29, 2024 it is possible to pay the fees for domain name disputes via card!
Our platform cooperates with Global Payments secure payment gateway, enabling quick and easy card payment. There are no special fees for payment by card (the fee is the same as bank transfer).
We hope this new method will be more comfortable and quicker than a bank transfer.
Discount on .eu ADR filings prolonged
21. 12. 2023
Discount on .eu ADR filings prolonged
As of 01/01/2024, there will be a temporary discount on ADR fees of EUR 1200 per filing an ADR complaint. The Complainant in ADR will pay only 100 EUR for the initiation of ADR proceedings. The discount will be granted per each filed complaint irrespective of the number of domain names in dispute and the type of panel requested (for example the fee for disputing one domain name before the single-member panel will be EUR 100 instead of EUR 1 300, the fee for disputing six domain names before the three-member panel will be EUR 2800 EUR instead of EUR 4 000 etc.). The discount is applicable to complaints submitted until 31/12/2024. However, Czech Arbitration Court at its sole discretion may decide at any time to stop this special promotion. Please see the complete schedule of fees here.
The discount of 1200 EUR in 2023 is also still valid for cases filed before 31/12/2023.
Happy Holidays!
21. 12. 2023
Happy Holidays!
Our ADR Team would like to wish everyone nice, calm and peaceful holidays! Let this holiday season be the restart we all need to jump right into the year 2024 and make it even better than this one!
CAC´s offices will work in a limited regime during holidays, on Friday, December 22, 2023, and between December 27 and 29, 2023, the offices will close at 1 p.m.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Have a great Christmas!